Recently a few people from our lab visited London to participate in the Digital Libraries 2014 which was a conjunction of TPDL and JCDL – two best-known conferences on digital libraries.
Łukasz was co-chairing the 2nd Workshop on Linking and Contextualizing Publications and Datasets while Dominika and Mateusz were presenting their results on the 3rd International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications.
LCPD2014 had a number of great presentations and — even more importantly — lively discussions about managing, sharing, peer-reviewing and citing research data sets. There was a good mix of theory and practice, including an excellent case study of the CRAWDAD repository presented by Tristan Henderson, and a comprehensive list of "dos" and "don'ts" for data repositories by Sarah Callaghan, based on her peer review of Earth sciences data sets.
WOSP2014 was an amazing opportunity to meet people from all over the world interested in scholarly communication, including the gurus like C. Lee Giles. Having discovered several very promising possible cooperation areas, we can't wait to unveil more details soon. Meanwhile, here are our presentation slides:
- Dominika Tkaczyk, Pawel Szostek and Łukasz Bolikowski: GROTOAP2 - The methodology of creating a large ground truth dataset of scientific articles.
- Mateusz Fedoryszak and Łukasz Bolikowski: Efficient blocking method for a large scale citation matching.
Proceedings from both events will soon appear as special issues in the D-Lib Magazine.